
Quit persecuting him!

So you've got nothing? Troll.

Yoga in the form you're thinking of has nothing to do with Hinduism. There is nothing spiritual about it. You're being a pussy.

Yoga is not a religion. What the fuck are you on about? Quit trying to be persecuted.

Been watching FOX news, have you.

JJ Watt.

I think it's safe to assume that everything about the movie is awful. All religious movies are almost always awful in almost every way. They exist solely to sell a message.

It's hard not to laugh derisively at you for being such a pussy.


How old is she in BB?

Walt uttering "Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium. Two copies!" is still one of my favorite Waltisms.

I'm sure you adore The Walking Dead.

So they went with "pee pee pants?" THAT is intimidating?

Maybe I'm wrong, but damn do i think Chuck had it coming.

I'm not expecting fucking Shakespeare. But come on. See Glenn's fake death for an example of what hack jobs these writers are. That's the type of nonsense these writers resort to in order to compensate for their lack of creativity.

No, it's just true. This show is horrible. It has all the subtlety and nuance that you would expect in a story written by a 5 year old.

People are just idiots, and are entertained by terrible tv shows like The Walking Dead.

Was that actually an insult that he used? Why? WTF, did someone piss themselves or is that what he thinks is an intimidating insult?

Because it is everywhere, and people are actually impressed with the "storytelling". It is quite possibly the worst written show on television.

What a terrible show. Why do people still watch this shit?