
Gus will likely be introduced soon. I think he will help Mike with the Salamancas.

Chuck only congratulated Kim to satisfy his own means. he is trying to turn her against Jimmy.


Why is that a thing?

Moral high ground? He actively sabotaged his own brother's career, and lied to him for years while implicating others. Chuck is a bitch.

You fuck off

That's one thing this show has to work around, is the moments in BB where Saul is just some run of the mill criminal lawyer.

This really shouldn't exist. It is going to be glorious.

That scene with Dennis with the girl. Wow, that was dark. It was glorious. I think the best part was him slamming his hand up, blocking her. Genuinely creepy. Only Sunny.

He's not a terrible person, he's just a moron.

Dear god, they made a sequel to that movie? Why? I only clicked on this because of the "F" grade, and my god was i not disappointed. Did anyone actually go out and see this? I had no idea that it existed.

So can we assume Brainy will be following them? BRAINY+HELGA SHIPPERS UNITE

He should nail her sister. That bitch has emotional issues.

PRO TIP: Don't read anything written on the internet by fans of something you liked as a child.

There is no way in hell that show would be allowed to air lol. I don't know how they got away with what they did. Rocko worked at a phone sex line, and one episode had him and Heifer checking into an hourly sex motel.

It's great if i think it was great.


What do you know, Skeet face?

Doug has slowly sank into the grips of insanity. His stalking of Patty Mayonnaise has grown more disturbing, as she has now filed her 3rd restraining order against him. Doug has no one, as his former best friend Skeeter Valentine was cured of his severe tourets through long and arduous therapy sessions, and cut ties

Jimmy is in his late 30s