
I half expected Gus. But then i remembered that this is a Vince Gilligan show, not a Kurt Sutter show.


The hope i had for this movie was damaged big time when they cast Jesse Cera as Lex Luthor. I mean…why? Just why? Bryan Cranston was right there…

I want to lock him in a room full of fluorescent lights and cell phones.

Off topic from the episode (which was brilliantly ridiculous) but how about that cinematography? My god, that carried over from BB. Never has a movie or TV show captivated me with cinematography like Gilligan's shows.

It's bad that this actually bugged me. I was like, dude, just tell them to fuck off. They have no case.

No one is interested

Shirley would wreak havoc

Good episode, in my opinion. Wasn't great by any means, but this is how The Walking Dead should be. I didn't care for the Carl/girl scenes or the Michhonne/StockCharacter57 subplots, but the Rick/Daryl plot more than made up for it. All in all, it had the typical "what the fuck" moments of a TWD episode (the truck

For the record: Fuck you

This album is trash. Just like everything this egotistical fuck has released since "College Dropout". An "A"? Seriously?

…Why does this exist? A re-make of a forgettable early 2000s by the numbers horror flick? Who green lit this?

I'm stunned this has such a high grade. As others have said, this is like Anchorman 2. As in it shouldn't exist. If there was a sequel to be had it would/should have been made 10 years ago.

SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH! We need MORE episodes of The Americans!

Oh hai comments section!

I assume The Walking Dead has you on staff?

No, you just suck

Who the fuck cares?

Good thing you warned me. i JUST got this brand new Sanyo MM-8300 camera phone.

With a rusty crowbar