
It's both in a blender and then put into a trash compactor.

I've listened to this album three times end to end. I can't get enough. It's the perfect medicine for that dull depressive ache.

Honestly very surprised they haven't jumped on that hype train yet.

Damn you AVClub for making me feel sympathy for Ted Cruz.

I want to watch but Monday at 8 is Crazy Ex Girlfriend time.

As a black man I must state I like both Martin and Seinfeld. I think my grandmother actually got me into Seinfeld which seems super weird.

These reviews missed that the Punisher is an Earth Wind and Fire fan.

I bought it on DVD watched the show on TV and pirated one episode I missed in the third season. I miss this show so much.

I've complained about this regularly. This can make distinguishing people in shows really fucking difficult for someone with my eyesight.

Y-yyyeah that ship sailed from port and sunk a long time ago.

So an A+? (That's right I remember Algebra)

I used to watch NCIS a fuckload. Yet here I am on the cusp of my thirties and I only watch it on sundays.

I have still only seen two episodes of Gravity Falls.

I always pray for Nikumi. Erina is pretty terrible and Megumi is a nice waifu but honestly a little too normal. Nikumi despite her outlandish wardrobe is rather sweet. (Sweet meat) I picked Chie as the waifu on my P4 playthrough.

I wasn't aware of the stereotype until I was older. I used to swim a lot in middle school and I remember the public pool full of black people. I may not be the best swimmer but I can definitely swim and my ability to do so was never commented upon. Might not be a stereotype here in Ohio.

Were they drinking Ecto Cooler? Because I caught that vibe.

It better be like that one episode of Broad City where they ran around New York. Like a total ripoff. I'd watch that episode as a movie.

Trump is actually the perfect embodiment of "The system" an old irate white trust fund baby ranting about immigrants.

I want CEG to last a long time.

It's just reductive stereotyping masquerading as an intellectual argument. I used to love Dilbert. This disappoints me.