
Fuck PETA, they're animal murdering hypocrites. Look it up. PETA and euthanasia.

I just love the Arrestaurant. I want it to be real.

*Butthurt Hannibal post*

I hated everything but the Drake sketch and I'll admit it was beating a dead horse.

Don't be ridiculous. The Regular Show movie is going to be recognized as the greatest film of our age!

That comment about drugs being bad…boy that really went from 0-60 right quick.

I watch the show. For me, it's like comfort food. The Western atmosphere and the procedural really relaxes me. Also Katee Sackhoff.

The biggest Evil Dead fan I know died like two months ago and I don't have Starz to watch it in his place. This hurts my heart.:(

As an anime geek, I have encountered South Park Yaoi before. This episode had me dying! One of my favorite episodes ever. It just couldn't stop finding my spots.

Somehow I feel as if that is exactly how John Hodgeman would act as a doctor.

I am ready for this movie.

Can your online job tell me who shot Tupac?

And he looks like him too.

I totally forgot this was on. Instead I ate Gotham bullshit. Oh well, next week.

I'm ashamed the admit all of that sounded amazing.

After this I can want to here Kanye try standup. if Mos Def can try it Yeezus could do it.

we need Seinfeld2000 on this one.

I bet someone could turn this into a great comedy bit.

A shame the biggest Evil Dead fan I know couldn't live to see this. :(