
Good thing I DO work in a dystopian hellscape.

I don't trust Gareth Edwards after Godzilla. Pull us in with Bryan Cranston then have us follow a wet blanket for the rest of the movie. Fuck that. I'll bet he kills both Mads Mikkelsen and Donnie Yen.

I'm new to this series and I find every episode a pretty hard sit. It hurts a little to watch a man so thoroughly destroy his life.

Nothing in Ohio. =/

Doesn't matter, they all Dungeon Family.

Subway smells like a corpse. I could never eat there.

Is he in Kingdom Hearts 3?

I'm going to blame GRRM for this.

I can't re-enact my Leslie Knope and Liz Lemon fantasies with these!

No Gods, No Government, Only Disney.

I actually recognize that screaming cube from somewhere like Spongebob or something.

So would you say Undateable is Unkillable?

So I guess I'm gonna be listening to noise rock, jazz, and death metal for the rest of my life. Sweet.

And now bring on Fast 8: The Wrath of The Queen!

This episode had fucking Trevor from Grand Theft Auto! (Kevin Ogg)

Can we put him in jail anyway? Crimes against good taste.

[Savors White Tears]

No one said anything about love. She just wants the D and in the apocalypse beggers can't be choosers.

loneliness is the greatest aphrodisiac.

When I hear Broad Squad I think Broad City but police officers and that sounds Amazing in every way conceivable.