david c

Never missed a Bowie tour since 1972. Pretty much the same with Springsteen from 1975 on. The WHO. The Kinks. SPARKS. Multiple times. The Grateful Dead 11 times. Janes Addiction 10 times. Don't get me started. This could go on forever.

Sandwich shop.

No. No. And no. Hang it up Michaels. It's not funny anymore.

Bell Street Burritos? Begat by Tortilla's on Ponce, which was the worst burrito on the planet, although Atlantans who devoured that junk didn't know any better?
I don't think so.

Workaholics sucks. There. I said it.

Paul Simon and Sting tour 2013?

Red Rock West, and Don't Look Back with Eric Stoltz (and Yoakum once again) are two overlooked modern Noir classics.

I first saw this at an old theatre that had been the Joplin Opera House in Joplin, Mo. Built in the 30's for a bootleggers wife to keep her busy. Saw it on release day.

I remember when the M stood for Music!