
Johnno-sexy as fuck-yes!!

Yes, and one of the nicest characters.

i am very sad that sexy Oleg will be gone. Also, Holly Taylor looks NOTHING like Keri Russell!

Am I the only one who doesn't remember what the "green shoes incident is"?

I was thinking that it was a kind of winking joke to the viewers as Keri Russell held the huge salad bowl to cover up her actual pregnancy.

thank you! It was bugging me where I knew her from. She traded a prison jumpsuit for scrubs.

I thought that too. Also her face seemed fuller.

I have to give kudos to casting for finding little girls that are believable versions of the adult actresses in flashbacks. Especially the little girls who played Soso and Daya. I'm not sure how I feel about actors being made to look younger like Caputo and Pennsatucky in these scenes. I understand why they have to do