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    That's too bad, TV. I actually first read about Marc here at The A.V. Club. At least we got the newest Pop Shop feature on him.

    No week-to-week coverage of Maron?! I know the second season got C+ (or at least the first episodes did) but I'm definitely still going to give it a watch.

    T.J. Miller has been knocking it out of the park. His frustration with the intern over the fish in the sink and his amazing discussion with Middleditch with him putting his turtleneck sweater back on really takes advantage of his energy and his smarts as an actor.

    I've honestly never read Alan Sepinwall's reviews but I went over to Hitflix to check his take on Parks and Rec's finale and was surprised to see a "Some other thoughts" section at the end of the review, much like our own, dear "Stray Observations". Is this a "thing" in TV reviewing?

    Thanks to The AV Club I found out that Grant Hart released an excellent new album in 2013 but none of you guys mentioned it on any of your lists (you gave it a, A-)