
yyyeeaaahhh - I've had no one to talk to about this and its so nice to hear a podcast full of people that just opens saying everything I thought about this week's episode. Whilst I don't think the show is really about figuring if he did or didn't do it - I totally left that last episode feeling as though he is guilty…

"somedays, sometimes you get forces you just can't control…bad luck"

the score drives me bananas in this exact same way each week as well.

No way, he's not even close - its like comparing Barton Fink to John Goodman. I think all that's happening is that Lester is getting confident, lucky and cocky with it - and that will be his undoing. Thinking he can stand up to Malvo when really only Molly can.

Equally lets not forget that Malvo has the only piece of hard evidence to be Lester's undoing - that taped phone conversation.

You know, I feel relatively safe about where this is all going in regards to happy endings, its just all pulled too close to the film. Especially now that Molly is ever more Marge. If they ended this badly I can't help but feel it would tarnish Marge's victory along with it. .