
Friggin beeyotch Cersei…if you even touch Bronn why I'm gonna (and get some backbone Jaime, you've seen the power of Horse Lords and Dany' Air Force, you know what's coming, not just Drogon, get psycho sis to submit already).

For me, the Best episode since the polarizing episode 8…this one had it all! Full on timeline/mythos connections, surreal Lynch, comfy cozy Twin Peaks Lynch, AND Nightmare Lynch (my fave), revelations galore, a kickass Roadhouse ender and Sarah Palmer freaking me the f&*k out again!

Totally agree…maybe her ancestral Targaryen kin rode bareback, but you'd think some dragon riding saddles with armor for the rider (maybe a few pieces for the dragon too) would be in play by now.

*Also, Dany better be careful what she wishes for, last time Jon bent his knees for a lady she became whipped pudding in his hands…er mouth :)

Jaime Highborn should heed Bronn Streetborn's advice…though his last gasp at redeemed honor was def a bold one, trying to queenslay Dany with Drogon five feet away and pissed off he took a bolt to the shoulder…

Sarah Palmer/Grace Zabriskie in anything Lynch related freaks me out still. Classy French Lady was hot and her extended exit prep sublime. Another Chromatics Roadhouse ending was cool, though I'd honestly rather have 3mins watching Dougie Jones doing anything than these booth table sitting, random Twin Peaks locals

Way to go out Lady Olenna…fuck the Lannisters, these small victories will be short & sweet once Cersei gets too confident and slips up.

Lol…yeah, for whatever reason I keep watching The Return really late on Sunday nights, and Episode 8 def gave me the nightmare willies no doubt.

Well I friggin' loved it…Sooty Hobo's & Nightmare Lynch for the win!

Well to me the tone of twin peaks has two slots of fans - Comfy Cozy Quirky Lynch (white lodge folks) and Nightmare Lynch (black lodge fans) I love Nightmare Lynch…not defending, but the tone of season 3 was set from the get go of the 2 part premiere…it had a little bit of Lynch's life works, the Twin Peaks mythos

Hey Norm. It was Ray getting one over on Dark Coop, until his Soot Hobo buds came along, then a little pre-quel on "evil" origins at the dawn of the nuclear age which manifest in many ways, like Bob.

Another great episode, been watching every new episode 2 to 3 times during the week…gotta say I love The Return to TP…no nostalgia pandering (which was my biggest fear on the new series), TP mythos telling a very unfiltered David Lynch story, I see a bit of all of Lynch's works in this season so far.

I love Nightmare Lynch…dude has been freaking me out for years (and did so yet again with The Return Part 1 & 2). I fall on the TP fan side of being more fascinated/excited by the dread, the horror, the supernatural of TP lore than the cozy quirky of TP…I will always err to the side of Nightmare Lynch, as a film buff,

Sheesh, the airlock scene made me think about Det. Miller…"I hate space!".

From that faint glimpse of the Shadow King in the pilot episode (hanging out in the dark of the rock hill during the escape sequence) I dig how Legion keeps giving me new nightmare visuals…this week: Plaza looking like Dr. Frank N Furter.

Arya's gonna break the "Love" fourth wall and start questioning Gus why she is aging so fast when only a few months have passed in "Love" time.

Eh I dunno, he was good in small doses (like most of the outlier characters), but his feature arc in the second season was one of the weakest parts of the season…more Randy didn't equal better Randy (or season flow) for me. I missed the Witchita group of characters more The A.D., Heidi etc…and the Atlanta/ending arc

"Gahhhh! A Reaper Husk! Game over man!"

Well I didn't see her show since I went to watch a double feature of "The Nice Guys" & "The Neon Demon", my two fave "hollywood tale" movies from 2016.

Haha! Yeah, when I was watching the Julie Mao origin ep from the first season finale, the "Husks" from Mass Effect came to mind with all the Proto-blue body horror poor Julie was going through.