
It's like every time one website rolls out this style of redesign (tiled images and lots of scrolling — is there a catchall term for that?), all the commenters rail against it and the editors of another website say to themselves, "Let's do this. 'Cause haters gonna hate, amirite?"

Argh, no. This is awful, I can't find anything that I am looking for. How can I find reviews of previous seasons of current TV shows that I'm not caught up on?

Just some whale hussy called Life. In retrospect, the idea that he thought that was a great moment probably should have been an indicator that we were't meant to be.

I laughed really hard at that one and my boyfriend - who's from eastern PA — just stared at me. "Did I miss something? Why is a lake in Cleveland funny?"

My ex proposed to me during a conversation about whale penises.