
Assume men and women have equal aptitudes in all career fields. And among them equal proportions of unqualified, qualified, and overqualified workers.

Your use of the term 'intervene' was ambiguous within the context of your sentence, thus I asked for clarification. You are familiar with the use of question marks, yes?

What lies JMP? Where have they been disproven? I'm very interested to see your proof that sexual dimorphism doesn't affect behavior in humans.

It isn't bullshit. Science can, and does, readily demonstrate gendered behavioral tendencies among sexually dimorphic species. Thus my claim is that both nature (biology) and nurture (cultural conditioning) affect behavioral preferences.

Yes, we both have brains, but they are not the same. http://www.sciencemag.org/n…
This study doesn't presume to know how these specific differences might affect human behavior, but suffice to say, our brains ARE different. Hopefully future studies will shed more light on the subject.

I know what my posts say, and they don't say what you claim that they said, which is why I challenged you on it.

Are you suggesting that there are statistically more male nurses than female nurses in the US simply because you know a lot of male nurses? If so, you are largely mistaken.

As I've said, I'm all for diversity and encouraging people to pursue their dreams in whatever field they desire, be it STEM or otherwise, just as long as the choice is left up to each individual rather than replacing one set of 'shoulds' with another.

"What are you on about?"
I'm suggesting both nature and nurture has an effect on behavioral preferences. I think I've been pretty clear about that.

What barriers are left other than class/wealth? Elementary school programs exist promoting diversity in STEM. The majority of colleges are liberal, and they actively encourage diversity in STEM fields through scholarships and other programs. Companies like Google have highly pro-active diversity hiring practices. What

The way I read it, the manifesto seemed fairly inconsistent in what it 'rails against'. Sometimes it seems to be pro-diversity, sometimes not. Do you know that it is possible to be both pro-diversity and anti-affirmative action at the same time? I believe some of that is at play in the manifesto (again, I'm not

I agree. I did not come up with phrenology. Your point?

re: "I suspect."

Maybe. Ever think that maybe hormones and other evolutionary biological factors could possibly play a role in affecting our behavior too? I do. I think both nature and nurture affect human behavior.


Yes, I will read what a scientist in the field says. I adore science. Please, show me the science that proves human gendered behavioral preferences are solely the result of nurture rather than a combination of nature and nurture. I would be very interested to read that proof.

I never once claimed that women are inherently bad at certain jobs. I have, however, frequently claimed the exact opposite. I can do so again if that makes you happy: I do not agree with 'GoogBro's' claim that women are inherently bad at certain jobs. Women are 100% as capable as men at excelling in STEM fields. I

Where did I make a statement that people are losing sight of the big picture and attacking me? I don't recall saying that.

Dishonest about what? All I have done is share my honest opinions. What trolling? I was trying to have a legitimate conversation about the topic at hand. What are you trying to do? Other than wish that I have a flavorless life (which I don't btw, my life has been quite interesting)? Do you often wish harm upon those

You seem to be suggesting that 'nurture' is the only thing affecting gender career preferences while I would suggest both nature and nurture play a role in ALL human behaviors. Get rid of that cultural prejudice, and more men would undoubtedly enter the field, but it will never be 50/50. Keep trying to convince men to