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    I take it back. My source was obviously wrong. You make a hell of a lot more sense.

    Obviously, my source was wrong. Sorry about that.

    I actually was flipping through an All You Want To Know About GOT book and saw this. I would tell you the book's title, but I didn't buy it. But it was interesting enough for me to remember it.

    Oh yeah.

    Yes, Melissandra is obsessed by Jon. I could easily see her using this knowledge to bring Jon back. But, I doubt his coming back will be the undead slave she might expect him to be. And if he's dead, hasn't his Watch Ended? I would think he would be released from his vow of not getting involved and not seeking

    Melissandra considers all major Houses (the Boltons included) to have what she calls "King's blood", therefore if Ramsey declares he is the son of Roose, she will consider him having the right kind of blood for her sacrifices.

    So does anyone else think that Stannis is going to attack Winterfell and Ramsey is going to declare that he is no longer a bastard and he has king's blood? Then cut to Stannis and Melissandra with small, satisfied smiles on their faces. And cue the pyre to be built.