
You do realize that when you use the phrase "you do realize" you sound like a dick?

"Enough time has passed for Hannah to find a groove in her teaching gig". Yes, a whoooole week.

The French versions of Top Chef and Masterchef are pretty awful, mostly because they insist on doing them as all-evening versions, each episode running from 9pm to 11pm or later. And then a behind-the-scenes after show. They may do a couple of quickfires not to eliminate, but to determine who is safe. Then they have…

*cachet… a peeve, sorry! It's meant to be taken with a big hug.

It's sad that TC Boston is so boring that we have to go back seasons to find something interesting to talk about. :(

Hello AV Club. I note that the direct links from one episode to the next are not set properly. In particular,t he first episode of the season does not go to the second, but to an episode much later in the season.

I thought the other restaurant should be named "Dry".

I agree that Justin really is into his tickets (and I guess that's SOP). But really, she came in, she said: "two of each for the judges" and he didn't bother to call the order? The judges' order he can't remember without a ticket? Maybe in principle he's right, but in practice, that was just dumb.

Did not look like a waiter, in any case.
