Steven Best

Out of 20 people in the image, 10 were people of colour. Does that make them more or less relevant? Always curious what the race-counting is meant to achieve.

You just repeated your exact point again and yes it is very simple, even naive. This very article is an example of someone being accused of racism when it is simply an accidental combination of 2 film names. The fact that they feature black casts means race is suddenly at play here and therefore the comment is

JMP - that is so SO cute that you believe that's how things work these days.

Because he's the author and Westeros was his invention. My point was that he shouldn't have given away the ending to anyone because it betrays his greatest work.

Nice way to betray your life's work GRRM. Never in my life have I heard of an author globally spoiling the end of their own book. Absolutely appalling. If they don't have anymore books to adapt then let them write their own g.d. ending!!

A pack of greedy leeches. I wonder if Marvin Gaye were alive today if he would've pursued damages. He was an artist you see and artists have a different sensibilities about creativity. These people are looking to keep living well on someone else's work. Shameful and this needs to be reversed before it ruins the