Rage I'm against the sheen

Actually, the title character was written with him in mind. That's why their names are similar according to the author.

Season 3, despite the richness of talent, just isn't happening for me. I don't care about any of the characters, story or the style. I'll keep trying to the bitter end, but as we're almost halfway through at this point it doesn't bode well for my overall grade. What the hell is wrong with me?

This is very well put: Sonic Youth tend to be very hit and miss live. Hell, they can be pretty hit and miss on record. Still, the idea of Sonic Youth always makes me glad. And Goo is a a goddamned masterpiece.

I see your point. It comes down to preference I guess: I like the drama and gloom of the album version.

Read two separate comments in this thread that favors The Murderer EP version of the song. I don't get that at all: The EP version to me sounds like a demo of what would be the finished song that is on the album. The EP version lacks in dynamics and nerve compared to the album version.

Yup. It sure is!

That girl is the girl on the cover of "It's a shame about Ray" with Lemonheads.

Crazy, man.

Oh, I didn't know this was decided.


Black Flag was just fine. Until Rollins joined. Not his fault of course: I just didn't like the direction the band took it in after that. To each his own. And kudos on the title dropping I guess.

Noel Gallagher and Henry Rollins have in common their sound bite-like way of giving interviews and absolute horrid music as a claim to fame.

This might be fantastic! I haven't felt that good since Archie Gemmill scored against Holland in 1978!

Dear lord I love Morrissey!

For me this is the exact problem with a huge amount of Frank Blacks solo output: Whereas in Pixies, the teenage Francis didn't know anything else and couldn't help making songs that sounded weird and interesting.
The more grown up Frank Black is much more skilled in the art of song making but is doing weird chord


Well, that's just plain weird.

Well; as long as you don't hold Kicked in the Taco in such high regard, I'll say to each his own.

Anyone else read "Fool the World: an oral history of the Pixies"? A pretty fantastic read if you're a fan, and yeah, you are if you are on this site.

And still he seems the most sensible of the bunch.