
The thing is, Sheldon and Penny have been through this many times before. The Work-Song Nanocluster is still my favorite episode. And of course there is "soft kitty." Even the Panty Pinata Polarization had a kind of intimacy. ("Yeah? Well your Ken can kiss my Barbie!") But there have been several times when they find

Well, to be fair, she has shown about as much character growth as anyone on this show is capable of. Which of course isn't saying much.

And, now that I think about it, I am actually a little offended at the idea that the possibility of a developmental disability should be seen as such an appalling insult.

If she does try to sabotage it, it would be fun to see it blow up in her face. Unfortunately I think it is more likely that Gillingham would be doomed to follow her around for the rest of his life.

Sort of. Mary does indeed like Anna and is willing to stand up for her, but she was awfully dismissive of Anna's discomfort with the, um, device.

Of course. Remember Mary's horrid newspaper magnate fiance? The one who would have made the servants work on Christmas? That's because he was an upstart and not true nobility. People with inherited wealth are always kind and thoughtful, tolerant of gays and prostitutes, and the embodiment of generosity.

What do you mean overhear? She does it right out in public, and no one bats an eye. Tom occasionally has the decency to look uncomfortable. Which is a great comedown for his character as well, since he never used to shy away from speaking his mind when necessary.

So, speculating about a character might be insulting to the actor who plays that character? Even if the actor is very young I think that is a stretch.

I wouldn't call him abrasive, at least not in the same way as Sarah Bunting. He would spill a tureen of manure and motor grease into the lap of a warmonger (and gladly take the consequences) but he would not accept a dinner invitation from people he despised and the natter and whine at them all evening.

I'm going to go with terrible writing. For all his tribal pride I doubt Lord Sinderby knows one word of Yiddish. He would have been raised by nannies just like the rest of them.

I wonder. Edith can't be the only aristocrat to ever want to be around her child for more than one hour a day. Did the generally just suck it up with a stiff upper lip? Or was it acceptable to alter the standard schedule?

"Even you, Edith," was hardly the most poisonous thing Mary has ever said, but it is so mind bogglingly gratuitous, really the only possible normal reaction, whether you adore Mary or loathe Edith, is, "Oh fer chrissake ENOUGH already!"

Well, considering how little Scotland Yard seems to have to occupy itself, I suppose there is not much news beyond aristos' scandals.

I am reminded of Mightygodking's play by play recap of the 7th Harry Potter book. Regarding the death of Harry's owl: "At least we have all those great memories of Hedwig. Like the time she delivered a package. Or that other time she delivered a package."

Um, because she is a fictional character on that soap opera? So, um, yeah her developmental disabilities, if they exist, would affect that soap opera? What am I missing here?

"I don't care if you're queen of the upper Nile"

Try this fun little prank. Look up traffic deaths from a year ago. Then walk into Scotland Yard and say you overheard the dude say "Oh, it's you," on the day he died. Watch them go into a tizzy. Then identify some chick as having maybe been somewhere in the vicinity. Bam! Murder conviction!

Family members being all cool with it, on the other hand, is.

In the first season they were actually much more believable. Remember Mrs. Hughes sacking the maid for having sex without a second thought or a reference? Today she would demand that the girl be taken in by the family, or given a cottage and a flock of chickens, or something. And Robert would promote her to

Tiresome, that's the word, isn't it? She is not delightfully wicked, or proudly btchy, or rising up from the ashes with renewed strength to bite the arses of her oppressors, or any of the things that make for interesting or admirable not-so-nice characters. She's just goddawful tedious. Which is really the worst sin