Eel Snave

Remember Big Bad Voodoo Daddy? I wish I didn't.

Squirrel Nut Zippers is STILL great. While a lot of "swing" bands were posers, SNZ actually believed what they were selling. I can still roll Perennial Favorites every once in a while and hear early Andrew Bird kicking ass on the violin.

"Hahahaha noice" - me, being a douchebag.

"I guessed wrong."

I don't know why but that gets me every damn Saturday.

"So, all we could do was sit… And watch."

Man, it was WEIRD when I was listening to an oldies station and heard that intro on a song from the 50's.

See, I view Samberg as having Adam Sandler's connectedness and camaraderie, so people like to work with him. However, unlike Sandler, Samberg has more of an absurdist bent and is open to collaborating a lot more. I suspect that when his shtick stops working, his friends will tell him, unlike Adam Sandler.

"Listen Morty, I need you to- I need you to be sh (burrp) shnarpy. And what that means, Morty, is that I need you to, to, put this bicycle up your butthole, Morty."
"Aww geez, Rick! I don't- don't like shnarpy, Rick! Why can't you be shnarpy for once Rick? Why do I always have to be shnarpy?"

That's the idea.

Like, couldn't he at least give SOMEONE a win? Colin Farrell's kid thinks he's a monster AND OH BY THE WAY he'll never be able to correct that assumption because he's DEAD, Vince Vaughn's character is dead in the desert, Taylor Kitsch's character was gunned down, and Rachel McAdams' character is stuck in like,

Well, what if they also somehow linked in to Season 2? I mean, not in a HUGE way, but just made it clear that this is all part of the same universe somehow? That might be interesting. I disliked Season 2, but it might be a way to redeem it somewhat.

Well, desperate times and all.

Hey now! Reddit isn't a bad place. It's just a big pile of forums, and some of the forums are pretty terrible, and some are pretty great.



Now, the only thing I use a football for is a toilet.

Would you record the talkback?
Jim, would you record the talkback?

Haha! Well, we'll see how things shake out. The needle is moving toward progressives, though. I know it feels dark right now, but there are lots of good things happening right now even if it doesn't feel that way.

Apples to oranges, though. I've been working with my local Dem party, and I've asked them if they felt this way after Dubya. To a man, they said no. They accepted it as the price of doing business, you know? Sometimes you lose. Yes, W was a terrible president and created all kinds of problems, but he was a guy you