
Someone was "fired" and on their way out decided to give a big "F*** You" to the GoT producers/HBO and a early "Christmas in April" to the GoT fandom! Nobody 4 LATER!!!

Has anyone else picked up on there being at least "three" Kimmys? First there is Kimmy Smith (30 yr old woman trying to empower herself by taking control of her life), who is friends with Titus, works for the Voorhees, and tries to help people (friends and strangers alike) with their problems. There is also Kimmy

Will knows he has nothing to offer the "No Collars" physically. He not only admitted it in his "confessional", but admitted it at "tribal"…….they know what I bring to CAMP……". And then there is Joe (Orlando Bloom's doppelganger)………..his first "tribal" vote was because Vince intimated him and now he votes in what he

He - Man and the Masters of the Universe:
1) the original "work - out" series. Even "homeless" people are buffed - out in Eternia!
2) Skeletor was wearing "hoodies" before "hoodies" were cool!
3) Hyper masculine undertone ie: He - MAN, Mer - MAN, Beast - MAN, MAN - at - Arms, MAN - e - Faces, Ram - MAN…………..etc!

I understand why the "blindside vote" was cast, but I do believe it was cast one elimination to soon. The next person to be "voted - off" will be Nina and she probably doesn't know she brought it on herself. 4 SURVIVING THE TIMELESS BLINDSIDE, I am Nobody!!!
"Never create doubt within the

Come on people…………post your "Dream Teams"!
All female Marvel Dream Team:
1) She - Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
2) Spider - Woman (Jessica Drew)
3) Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
4) Titania (Mary MacPherran aka Skeeter) - Anti - Hero optional
5) M (Monet St. Croix) and/or Husk (Paige Guthrie)
6) Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Bet my team


I think you just became my "new favorite screenwriter", Better Twin! We know that the "Space Jockey" piloting the derelict ship died from a "chestbuster"; if we take Prometheus' ending at face value along with Caine's scene in the underground cavern where he saw countless "facehugger eggs" (Alien) then we have a good

In all fairness to me, Better Twin……..(lol)…………the first 20 or 30 post were about "homicidal vajayjays" and you see………(lol)……………I got sweep up in the "wake" of the madness and perversion of it all……(lol)…….so it's not really my fault it's H.R. Giger and Neil Blomkamp fault with a little assist from some naughty

Ha, Better Twin! You have "Aliens: Extended Edition", because I do too. You're right it does cover a lot by introducing Newt's (Rebecca) family, why Ripley bonded so strongly to Newt, who discovered the ship and became infected first, as well as putting a face on the colonialist (the commander of the colony was also

I've always wanted to see a "Alien(s)" film about the colonist being wiped - out before Ripley and the Colonial Marines arrive. That could be bad - a$$ for the next installment. Nobody 4 NOW!!!

H.R. Giger would be proud of the……………….."murderpu$$y"! Nobody 4 LATER!!!

"Wonder Twin Powers ACTIVATE"…………all but solo! Natalie deserves all credit, because she said she would get Jon and "#0T Damn", she got Jon! All Natalie needs now to win it all is a immunity win/play and see Missy and Keith on their way to the jury………….she can beat Baylor and especially Jaclyn with the jury IMHO.

Where's "Celebrity Apprentice" when you need it? First Big Brother and now Survivor are just so………………..BORING. Nobody 4 NOW!!!

The "Silent Disco" scene with Terry Crews was COMEDY! Andre Braugher is really killing it this season……….his scenes have been nothing short of great! 22 minutes just isn't enough for this series. 4 THE NINE - NINE BEAT, I am Nobody!!!

If John Constantine doesn't smoke in this series why does he have a "Zippo" lighter? TV networks/producers (sigh). Nobody 4 NOW!!!

Kelley could go far now that Drew is gone, especially if she (Kelley) forms an alliance with Natalie, Jeremy, and the rest of the girls. With Drew's elimination and Jeremy and Keith falling out Kelley now has a real opportunity to make a "big move"………..Power Alliance Time! Rocker was a distraction and Julie is playing

Favorite Nine - Nine characters:
- Teri
- Jake
- Cpt. Holt
- Gina
- Rosa
The Rosa character is perfect! She has a "buddy - buddy partnership with Jake and the rest of the Nine - Nine respects and/or fears her, hilarious!
Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

"We got your Terminus right here, 8!TC#3$!" - courtesy of the Atlanta 8 Group
Nobody 4 NOW!!!

I don't know if it would have bothered me, but am I the only one who made the conscious decision not to eat during this premiere? Nobody, 4 NOW!!!