
Based on the storyline pacing each book will receive at least 2 seasons each. I was glad to see "Hack - n - Blonde" Dutch make it, good to see Nora becoming a hunter, and Palmer throwing the "Secretary" over the balcony and the CDC director's reaction was just………………."comedy"! Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

SEASON 3, SEASON 3, SEASON 3, SEASON 3…………….make it happen FX, or else! 4 A BRIDGE TO NOWHERE, I will remain Nobody!!!

When they saw that last chamber at the end…………who else was thinking "Where is Blade and Whistler when they're really needed"? Who remembers the "UV Bombs" in Blade 2? Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

Eleanor is on the loose and now in the service of the CIA (#0LY $#!T, poor Mexico/US). Marco is now in Fausto's hands and at his complete…………..MERCY! Tune in next week when the $#!T really hits the fan! 4 A BRIDGE TO NOWHERE, I am Nobody!!!

Hank is…………IRON MAN! Eleanor is the "Anti - Sonya" and more than worthy of being on "Red's Blacklist". Fausto will scorch the Earth and everyone along with it before he goes down! From the DEA to the CIA………..poor Mexico! The Bridge is just a "unbelievable" series and this was easily among the best episodes to

MIa Maestro (Nora) has enough "Cakes" to throw a birthday party! It was like a "Victoria's Secret" ad, only…………..MORE! Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

Setrakian and Fet are becoming the main reason to watch "The Strain"! Diane the "Soprano Wife BBF" of Kelly (Eph's ex - wife) is so entertaining………….the more Inga Cadranel is on my TV the better!
Prediction: Dutch (the hacker) is a character rewrite for the relationship between three main characters being changed from

Diane the "Mafia Wife" (played wonderfully by Inga Cadranel), that's who! Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

If you mean my sign - off………….it's just my "thing" is all……..a little nuance if you will…………not a "gimmick account"! Thanks for asking, fellow poster. Nobody, 4 LATER!!!

For me the best episode of the season, if not the series! This is one of the "Best TV Series" on right now…………………why more people don't watch this series………………….oh right, this is the "Short Attention Span Era" of television viewing. Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

"Son of a bitch, she made it!" - Fet "The Exterminator" (The Strain S1E8)
The bread truck driver had "two left feet", whereas Nicky (Dutch's friend) was like the wind…………at one point she (Nicky) look like she was doing the "Icky Shuffle" (lol)! Nobody, 4 LATER!!!

The "Hunter and Exterminator" are ROCKSTARS, while the doctors/scientists are just crybabies! Tonight "monsters" are taking over the city, tomorrow the "monsters" takeover………………………..(No Spoilers)!
Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

According to Eleanor's story (S2 E7) the "Acorn Man" is the "Fat Bastard" that repeatedly raped her as a child (young girl) while his wife knew, but did nothing to stop it. Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

Question: Am I the only one who has had it with SpoilerTV and their "post pending" nonsense? I can't understand why the ratings are so low because this is "must see TV" on Wednesday night for this viewer. Either way the best episode of the season, so far. Next Wednesday night 10:00 p.m. can't get here fast

So far the "best episode" of the season/series! A fine mix of drama and action………….."The Strain" just keeps getting better and better. 4 A KILLER SEASON OF THE STRAIN, I am Nobody!!!

"…………..some man I never meet before was talking about……..GOD!" - Sonya Cross, The Bridge S2 E06
This series always has great lines delivered by great actor's/actress' performances……………a reason to look forward to Wednesdays.
Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

I knew there was something off about this episode………..it seem so short. The robbery by "fisting" was a barrel of laughs…………no pun intended. I'm glad Annebeth Gish's (Charlotte) storyline has returned……….Ray is always entertaining. The religious sect that Eleanor comes from is "real"……………a contestant from "SyFy's Face

I suspect Sonya's latest relationship will have a "dark twist" to it! It is a well kept secret that even though non - violent (usually) transgenders can throw a "wicked" right - cross! Eleanor is a dark, but interesting character so far. Something about the "taxidermist" reminded me of SE7EN. Where is this season

Another excellent episode. The E - Rep's "water - sports" scene……………….PRICELESS! Storyline and character development has really improved this season. 4 DEFIANCE NOW AND NEED/WANT LATER, I will be Nobody!!!

Stahma and Doc Yewll are my favorite characters and the writers have really stepped them up this season! Truth be told Jamie Murray (Stahma) and Julie Benz (Mayor Rosewater) should be the "Stars" of Defiance, not Nolan aka "the poor - man's" Nathan Fillion (Serenity/Firefly), Ben Browder (Farscape/SG - 1), or Steve