
Brimstone was a great series, but ran during FOX's infancy and was a bit "ahead of it's time". Brimstone was what Constantine (Keanu Reeve's film) should have been, but wasn't. May this new series be half as good! Nobody, 4 LATER!!!

Can everyone say………..BRIMSTONE? Ah come on now, I know you (all) can (lol)! Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

"Orange is the New Black" is simply…….OUTRAGEOUS! I know I'm late to the party (a friend of mine, Mokka told me about this series last year) but, you (all) know me by now for putting my "2 Cents" in……..LATE! Congratulations on their 3 wins…………..it's a good start! Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

This finale was degrees of "Awesome Insanity", especially the last 15 minutes and both reveals (No Spoilers)! How this series isn't watched by millions upon millions of more viewers is beyond me. And to think we won't get season 3 until next year……………($#!T)! 4 AN AUTOGRAPHED COOK BOOK BY DR. HANNIBAL LECTER (4UCK

The idea of Juliette Lewis playing "Synergy" is just ridiculous! Lewis should be a "Misfit"…………..if not the leader of the "Misfits", Pizzazz! I still remember this cartoon from my childhood……….."We are the Misfits……our songs are better………We are the Misfits………we're going to get her (Jem)!" 4 EVER, Nobody!!!

Why not Dean Koontz "Dragon Tears"? Now that's the one I've been waiting for since I first read the book! Have Del Toro or David Lynch as the director plus a great CGI company and we have a must see "Book to Film"! 4 EVER, Nobody!!!

This was a great episode for the "Mid - Point" of the season. Helena's scenes were the highpoint of this episode, especially her scenes with Sarah and Felix. It's great to see Helena play well with others………….when she wants too! I always like the Cosima and Delphine scenes, because they make me think of what Lauren

Am I the only one feeling the wardrobe/styling decisions on this series?
1) Hannibal and his "Plaid Suits"! Mads rocks the "Plaid" like it's his business.
2) Freddy Lounds and her cover with layers from "Neck to Toe/Plus Gloves" Conservative Fashionista style! I like it oddly enough.
3) Margot Verger with her