
"How Presidental are my balls now, Cy?" made me like Fitz again. Actually his conversation with Olivia did that, but That line. That. Fucking. Line.

Breaking Bad did it a few years ago :)

It's not that convoluted. But maybe I'm just B613 :)

Whom is Donna, plz :)

At this point in the series I can't remember if Fitz knew how manipulative she was…

At this point in the series I can't remember if Fitz knew how manipulative she was…

If anyone reads this, why did the First Lady need to be forgiven?

If anyone reads this, why did the First Lady need to be forgiven?

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus What about Omar?

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus What about Omar?

Seriously, who is this guy? Bring Emily back!

Nickelback is already Canadian tho…..

I've never seen this stupid show. I saw the F and laughed pretty heartily.

That would be quite the misspelling. Anyhoo, the final season of Breaking Bad is, in my opinion, its finest season. Can Jack_Torrance say—without lying—the same about The Wire?

You should be on AV's dime for reviewing this show.

I think Sonia gets paid for these reviews lol. Even how little, it's too much.

You really think the blood spatter matters? lol. Get the fuck out. I mean stay here lol. In this comment section.

This reminded you of Shotgun? lol. So this is where the Z team does reviews.

Doesn't he have a boring show called Treme?

Sure it wasn't reddit?