
Arya AKA Skeevy Wonder

The Lost effect

They went full retard.

He didn't hop down too, he got off the railing and walked away.

You PC, brah?

"Too on the nose, wouldn't you say?" -Patti

Your name made me chuckle. The avatar helped.

"Jew!" -Mel Gibson

Good call on Hatake/Julia. But going back to my dislike of this show I only watched this because of Ronald Dowl Moore. I wish Virtuality was picked up because that seemed awesome. He did make great DS9 episodes and obviously Battlestar.

So fucking boring!

Which Stella had them sucking on the dildo? I can't find it!

You spent the week repeatedly watching the Steubenville rape case, fucking pervert.

If you think YOLO is so awful why did you give it a B?

I can't recall, but I may have fist pumped when I saw that dump truck. Awesome fucking episode.

I can't recall, but I may have fist pumped when I saw that dump truck. Awesome fucking episode.

I can't recall, but I may have fist pumped when I saw that dump truck. Awesome fucking episode.

I can't recall, but I may have fist pumped when I saw that dump truck. Awesome fucking episode.

I can't recall, but I may have fist pumped when I saw that dump truck. Awesome fucking episode.

I can't recall, but I may have fist pumped when I saw that dump truck. Awesome fucking episode.

I can't recall, but I may have fist pumped when I saw that dump truck. Awesome fucking episode.