Phillip T

For a second, I thought they were going to do a "cement" type dream sequence, too.

Thanks for that. I didnt know that was a real blog.

Dang… That is more logical than I had on the second viewing.

There were twondering and I thought one malfunctioned because of the question and the other because of the playback? I will have to look again.

Maybe the plan was for the real Archer to get her to confess for Cyborg Archer to tell the police with the tape. This doesn't explain the fact that he saw Cyborg Kreger malfunction when Kreger tried to get the cyborg to playback tape and the way he placed his gun so obviously on the table.

Because the next episode will feature Ruby & Sapphire flirting heavily. I hope they air all of it but it might but cut like an episode of Clarence.

I wonder how much of next weeks episode will be cut?