The seed is strong only has to do with Robert Baratheon. All of Robert's sons had black hair. It doesn't apply to other houses.
The seed is strong only has to do with Robert Baratheon. All of Robert's sons had black hair. It doesn't apply to other houses.
It's not heavily implied. He's talking about that event specifically. It's pretty clear.
Haha, actually everybody does in the books they just cut them out of the show.
Sorry, it was actually a blue beard.
The weird thing is neither Daario looks like he was described in the books - in the books he had a gold tooth and a purple beard.
She has horrible breasts. They aren't shapely at all. You're definitely in the minority here.
Broad City is funny. Girls is not funny.
I believe that Ledoux was just the trigger man for the rich satanists. They needed criminal type muscle to kidnap girls and secure drugs for their "rituals" since high society people couldn't risk doing that stuff themselves. They need an intermediary.
The Shield has some great and interesting storytelling and is one of the best cop shows out there.
I think the one who was injured succumbed to his injuries. And Emma killed the other one, I forget why..
Slut-shaming doesn't really apply here. Sure, she had sex, and they are shaming her for it. But it's not because of the sex. It's because she's a huge hypocrite and had sex with the guy who murdered her ex-boyfriend's mom, along with countless other people. Both those things are shame-able. She spent the whole season…
I thought the best part of Merlyn's garage was the super secret safe containing dangerous technology that could be breached by a non-superpowered guy stabbing it with his wolverine claws.
Also, what has Marcel asked Davina to do? What has he "used" her for? Nothing! He didn't even ask her to help beat Klaus! He actively protected her from that! The only thing she had to do was make sure the witches don't do magic… Which was for HER benefit, not his. Marcel is the nicest, most honest guy on the show!
Yeah. Don't try to get an explanation from the guy who's been nothing but nice to you! Just immediately assume the worst and run off based on the word of someone you barely know and definitely shouldn't trust!
The thing is, I think the danger for Davina is still very real. We haven't seen the main witch, the one who cast the spell bonding herself to the baby, in a couple of episodes, but she's still alive and she still wants to kill Davina.
Natasha Leggero, Eliza Schlesinger, Chelsea Handler
So, Augustine is making vampires that feed on other vampires. But the Augustine Vampire fed on and killed a HUMAN in the beginning of the storyline. So why is the Augustine Vampire still a normal vampire?
What was the Rosemary's Baby parody? Do you mean The Exorcist?
She was in a suspect in the books because she ran away and disappeared right after so I don't see why not.