
So much in that video is factually incorrect.

Adi Shankar can't - being one of several executive producers he doesn't have the film-rights nor the money and he didn't develop the original project.

May have been when it left the cinema after only a few weeks and released on DVD in 2013 then started to develop a following - which is when Shankar began to pump up his association with the film.

I doubt you even knew who Shankar was when Dredd was released 3 years ago. He wasn't really known about and had a relatively minor credit on the film which he wasn't promoting at back in 2012.

Because The Raid doesn't feature Judge Dredd - or any other Judges.

RoboCop was based on Judge Dredd.


Its reputation has always been good:

Since most of the film has all ready been restored and only a few minutes altered through the inclusion of new material, the digital conforming of a version that corresponds to the original wouldn't be that expensive. The original elements that were scanned and digitally altered were archived after the restoration and

Eh, Dredd has earned more than $36 million.

Eh, Dredd has earned more than $36 million.