

Sorry, but I'm pretty sure every little kid has already attached her to the Narnia movies. That or that tot-favorite, "Snowpiercer."

I read "Tony Hawk." I also always called them the BerenstAin Bears. Y'all Universe B Mandela motherfuckers need to fall in line over here.

"Popular" needs to be defined or given context for your usage. Otherwise, that comment is insane.

This sounds hilarious. As long as there's bad dialogue (sounds like there is), and TC is runnin' and kicking every ass imaginable, I will be there with a smile on my face.
The first movie was hilarious, but surprisingly watchable. I'm hoping this one swings for the Walken-McBain/Bronson-DW3 fences.
Fingers crossed.

That Zero Zero album is actually really good. I just randomly broke it out a couple months back.
Purging the first 3 Wire albums is idiotic.

"You can’t dance on the edge of the Hollywood sign. You’re not in Hollywood. It doesn’t even rhyme. I don’t know why they chose this line."
Yet, oddly, that did rhyme.
Also, I've never heard of this shit band or their fucking awful song, but that video was just angering.
I'm gonna go scrub my tattoos off w/ a Brillo

I'd LOVE to see Jean-Claude Van Damme as well!! Maybe get Dolph Lundgren in the mix?

What? How would being drunk on camera get someone in trouble? Wiz Khalifa smokes every time he's on TV. It's his shtick that he's like the new Snoop or something. They're in California. I'm sure he's got a medicinal card there and if not, no one gives a shit.
The worst thing that'll happen is it that some local

+ 1 on Ceremony & Elegia. Also add Idlewild's Scottish Fiction, Eno's Big Ship, and LC's Sisters of Mercy for me.

How long until that girl is embarrassed/ashamed about owning/wearing a "The 1975" tshirt? It should be the moment she thought, "Hmm…that was a well-written piece of non-claptrap that never made me want to retch!"

Whoopee cap

Saw them play Pink in Atlanta a couple months back. Not to be missed. Get out of your duties.

"Plus, I'm like totally rich, which affords me all of these boss possessions that I'm constantly amassing and immediately losing interest in. I like, don't even care how much it costs…totally zen."

Burn spaghetti? She might have issues…

"Is this your first time working on Lake Michigan?"
"Shut up, cuntard."
"That deer is huge."
"Whatever, I'm getting a beer (or twenty!), you fukin' jizz burglar."
"You're cute."

2 things I always think about when rewatching this show:
Upchuck looks like Blake Griffin as a nerd.
Tom is lame af.

Jack Johnson is garbage.

How many fuking annoying Samsung product-placements is he planning?

"I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's."
Sorry, i had to meet the quota.