Liz Turner

"Phil realizes that him and Claire basically own an apartment…" Come ON. For all the snarking about MF that goes on here, no one jumped on that?

I enjoyed (and thought very highly of) the Letter from Howard's Father episode, and thought it showed Howard's growth (from insufferable faux-ladies' man to semi-mature adult) and I LOVED his stint as Dungeonmaster. Helberg really has fleshed out this character, and I am glad to see Howard grow, however belatedly. …

Apparently the reviewer and many of the commenters are OK with Howard being a Freudian train wreck who destroys government property, tries to cover it up and pouts about not getting a clearance as a result of his actions. But Bernadette's the bad guy?

Had the cats not all leaped in unison at the initial, er, deposit, that scene would have left me sort of cold as well.

You aren't alone. I've been growing more irritated with work-Frankie as the season's worn on, and this episode really illustrated why. Yeah, I know, it's only TV.