
And your ignorance is astounding.

Wow, really? Why not just use a pejorative slur and make your racist rant complete?

So artists being able to protect their work "ruined everything"? That's asinine.

You're still getting permission from the licensing company. I never said you had to get permission from the artist. I do recall a pretty heated episode a few years ago where Al Yankovich parodied a song after going through the proper legal channels, but was still vilified and (verbally) attacked by the original

Please feel free to cite one example where I've defended anyone stealing someone else's work. Stealing is stealing.

I can't believe the people here defending the thieves who stole someone else's work. Yeah, that's NOT how music works. If you can't come up with your own music you either get permission to use someone else's or you face the consequences. It's not a "dick move" for Henley to protect his work…the "dick move" was made