
There were only a few openly gay kids at your school. Just because it was pretty liberal doesn't mean they were comfortable with being out.

Name one time that this author has suggested something be censored.

While that is definitely true, the inability (or at least difficulty) to pick up subtle social cues is pretty much universal among people with autism, and Pearl has shown that she's totally capable of picking up on those cues as long as she's not preoccupied with something else.

Yeah, if anything, her issues relate to depression or anxiety. I've known and worked with a number or autistic people, and I've never met one who was as socially aware as she is. When she's blind to social cues, it usually seems to be because she's choosing not to see it, not because she can't see it. For example, she

Even more reason for it to be the perfect rom com job. It's something vaguely artsy that no one actually does.

Isn't book store owner/librarian in the top three? Or are those technically different professions?

If Pearl is willing to admit that Amethyst is maturing, I think we might be seeing more of Opal in the near future. That would also be a nice way to deal with their fears about not being strong enough.

I read somewhere that it's a mix of Rehoboth, Bethany Beach, and one other that I can't remember. And yeah, that line about ending up like "Ocean Town" is definitely a reference to Ocean City. Now that they've been to central Pennsylvania, I'd love to see them take a road trip to Maryland or Virginia.

His weird way of talk-singing is what made the role. I can't imagine the lead actually trying to use good technique.

The very first makeover episode was actually butch straight women. I think that worked pretty well, and I would enjoy seeing something like that again.

He probably plays for a minor league. I can't imagine that they would have an NBA player on the show.