
critics these days…..need all ur shows to be PC, this is the show this is the world it happened deal with it….whine over everything unless its a woman getting over on a man that is the only thing critics want to see male or female alike, sickening

Amazing show. I slept on it for a while then bought the blu ray when it came out and i enjoyed it as i watched it , found it a bit hard to follow at first, but then as the episodes went on i was really into it. But i just rewatched season 1 to refresh for the premiere and on that viewing, like all great shows upon a

Look at you, trying to do a serious review of The Originals…..Thats cute.

Breaking Bad had maddening plot lines that were dragged out and went nowhere? Wow, some level you must be operating on……Don't do that. Enjoy your Bates Motel and don't insult true quality that was clearly just over your head…….."The Breaking Bad long game" hahaha, funniest shit ive heard in a while, thank you

What i wanna know is how Jack Crawford is Head of Behavorial Sciences. I dont think ive seen him come up with one intelligent thought on his own since the show began. All he comes off as to me is a glorified cop. Some bulldog who just reacts on instinct. Despite everything that just happened with WIll and everything

Well the sooner the better with that one, please

Yea i do consider them pretty damn evil…..Sure its all cutesy in the Jennings home when they are pretending to be an American family, but for the most part all the do is manipulate, blackmail, threaten, comitt any filthy sexual act necessary and murder to get what they need……Dont forget season 1 Elizabeth, sure shes

yea u could say that

the one i read said phillip…..its probably the same thing though

I really cant wait to see that happen

Everyone is still quite stupid and its to the point of ridiculous after this week now. To believe that the same guy that did all this amazing shit is gonna show up at Will Grahams house sloppy and full of blood and get chased through the woods by an idiot like Jack Crawford, come on.

yes i just said that

Keep an eye on the new handler, Kate…..I read the episode descriptions and i think ep 11 it says phillip makes a horrible discovery about her. Shes def not KGB, shes way too american, not a hint of ethnicity to her and is almost def a representative of the people behind Emmit and Leanne killing….so watch the episodes

No there was not, not in the least, she saw him as a chump who knew nothing up until this episode. That is all they have ever shown. The interest was all on this end. You are inventing that.

Agreed, season started off with a ton of urgency and danger and now its just dragging. I thought this show was above that. I would have graded this episode a "B". Maybe a B+ strictly for the Oleg stuff, not that bullshit end scene, but the polygraph scene was brilliant, he is proving to be the most fascinating

They didnt know in the early 80s what they know about polygraphs today. They arent even admissible today.

that might be the worst post in the history of posts and would be the worst episode in the history of the americans, unless it ends with paige taking a bullet to the head, then it would be worth it

For me the season has started to drag a little. Dont get me wrong, its still been great. But for a season that opened up with such a sense of urgency, like Phillip and Elizabeth were in such danger, that has seemed to have gone away a great deal and now even this great show is showing is isnt able to avoid the lulls

super punch out for the super nes and donkey kong country were "binge-worthy" games if there ever were ones, i played those non stop….those were my 2 favorite of the early next level revolution of video games (the systems that came after nintendo)….late 90s i was all about twisted metal 2

shes taking the polygraph next week