Erik D

Harry and Luna. She's the only one who truly understands him. Then again, Harry is such an ungrateful little shit he doesn't deserve anybody.

I find Arcade Fire's albums are diminishing returns on an exponential level. Funeral was amazing, Neon Bible was pretty damn good, The Suburbs was just ok, and Reflektor was so far up their own ass they found polyps. Not looking forward to the new one at all, especially after reading AV Club's description.

Haven't had much interest in that one. While I love puzzle games in the tetris/Lumines/match 3 style, I was never crazy for the Point-Ato-Point-B style puzzlers like Lemmings/World of Goo/etc

I meant the third book is what sold me on the series—the film hadn't come out yet.

Depends how you look at it. It's the second shortest movie behind Deathly Hallows 2, but definitely the shortest adaptation of any single book, which would put Deathly Hallows 1 & 2 at over 4 hours.

I had no interest in the Switch* until I saw Puyo Puyo Tetris. Now my wife's getting me one for my birthday. I've never seen a game more tailor-made for me. Can't wait.

I didn't start reading them until I was 23. I had already watched the first two films and thought they were entertaining, but not great. Prisoner of Azkaban [edit: the book] truly sold me though.

I tend to put Order of the Phoenix at the top of the list, but that may have more to do with how they made a great movie out of such an overlong, boring book. Azkaban's up there though, and Cuaron saved us all from the hunky dory Chris Columbusville.

You really missed S.P.E.W. that much?

I only know him from American Gods. Except for the height, he'd be a great Wolverine. They'd have to work the same magic on him that they did for John Rhys-Davies in the Lord of the Rings movies to pull it off though.

I stayed in one on a business trip. I thought it was pretty cool that concierge could lend you a $1000 guitar for the night, but was amazed that it arrived horribly out of tune with no tuners in the building. I bet my next door neighbors loved that.

One Bak is the only movie I've seen so in love with its stunts it shows each one in slow-mo instant replay from three different angles. (To its credit, the stunts are absolutely worth watching in slow-mo from three different angles.)

How can you not like the 2D Metroid games?! You are what's wrong with America!

Dan Deacon. The problem is I hate going to shows. After college and getting a 9-5, I started to really appreciate going to bed early and enjoying the morning. Shows just end too damn late. I once bought tickets for a Dan Deacon show and decided not to go. I knew as great as his shows can be, the thought of taking the

Every time I see that poster of Gal Gadot kneeling, all I see is E.T.

How about the Order of the Leaping Beryllians from the 1967 version of Bedazzled?

Zach Woods has been the MVP of the show ever since he spoke German in his sleep,

I understand what he means about being impressed by how professional the spokesman was being. I was on the US version of The Chase. I always found the host Brooke Burns to be a little corny and forced, but in person and between takes, she was really cool. She joked around with the contestants and just wanted to make

The opening riff from Guy Who Got a Headache and Accidentally Saves the World from The Flaming Lips. It's so all over the place (he even plays the strings up at the machine heads), but when it's repeated later in the song, you realize it wasn't just random spazzing—it was planned out.

I highly recommend people check out Michaela's Ponderosa video. It's hilarious. She's the happiest, goofiest person outside the game. Who knew?