Erik D

He's doing it for me. I kept calling The Young Pope "The New Pope" by accident. Thanks Paolo

I'm not all that familiar with Haim. Do they always where shoulder pads stolen from Klaus Nomi's closet?

Dear filmmakers. We don't give a flaming shit about your boat ride to Cat Island. Just get to the cats.

Goldmember took what should have been a great sequence—the obscured subtitles gag—and straight up insulted the audience with it. The screenplay had no faith in the intelligence of the audience and felt the need to explain the gag step by step.

That opening Viking scene gave me the Baromir-as-Jet-Li-in-Hero scene I never knew I wanted

I never really liked Madonna or Alanis Morissette, but I really like Like a Prayer (I'm a sucker for gospel choirs in pop/rock songs) and Uninvited.

Battleclash and its sequel Metal Combat. It'll never happen because they're both Super Scope games, but they were so much goddamn fun. It stopped being about winning for me and more about seeing how many body parts of each robot I could blow off.

This reminds me of one of my favorite Overheard In NY entries:

To get to the other side.

Debbie is Coach/Special Agent Philip levels of crazy, and yet, she's also oddly perceptive and smart. Has Survivor had a player with such high levels of crazy and smart before? I find her as compelling as I do annoying.

The Crow: City of Angels. There were a bunch of drunk and stoned kids behind us making noise the whole time and I didn't care because the movie was that terrible. (This was when Labor Day Weekend was Hollywood's dumping ground.)

Are you kidding? That's one of the funniest fucking movies ever made. Travolta gained about 50 pounds chewing all that scenery.

The ads make it look like a geriatric remake of Hell or High Water, only funny-but-not.

I was sold on the new New Pornographers album as soonas I read there are no Bejar songs. I can't stand him.

It's not that hard to be cooler than ESPN, at least until frat douche with '90s 'tude is back in again.

I think they're saying they cook with real fire instead of heated coils or a flat griddle. It's like vinyl vs CDs, only with gross food.

Burger King is currently running a brilliant print campaign: they're showing photos of actual Burger Kings burning down. Stamped on the corner is "Flame Grilled Since 1954". They point out that more Burger Kings have burned down since '54 than any other fast food chain. It's goddamn hilarious.

Does it count if the band only has one album you like? Clinic's Infernal Wrangler is a masterpiece, and everything else they produce is middling at best.

A thousand times yes on that Modest Mouse album. It was that stupid "Fire It Up" song, a.k.a. Frat Boy's First Modest Mouse.

I read the book not knowing anything about it—my wife put it on my Kindle with no accompanying info. The opening scenes are awesome when you're not aware it's a zombie book. (The reveal is pretty quick, but still powerful.)