Erik D

I love the idea of the console, but my increasingly picky nature when it comes to games is keeping me from pulling the trigger on this at launch. Throw in some 2D Metroid and Mario games and I might change my mind. (I never much liked 3D games unless they were racing or Tie Fighter.)

I'm sure Nintendo will revisit the concept in the future with much better results. That's kind of their thing. They learned from the Virtual Boy's failure to make the 3DS. The Power Pad evolved into the Balance Board. The Power Glove even had some motion controls later reused on the Wii.

Keanu is like Mark Wahlburg: they can be truly awful in a lot of roles, but cast them just right (in Marky Mark's case, Boogie Nights, Departed, Three Kings maybe—it's been a while since I saw Three Kings) and the results are glorious. Keanu wins out for being one of the kindest people on the planet, while Wahlburg's

I'm going to suggest Once for the piano store scene alone.

I never gave a shit about the Grammys (of all the Beck albums to win Album of the Year, it's fucking Morning Phase?!), but then again, I get really excited about the Oscars, so to each his own.

Anyone else notice Lenny's ex-girlfriend's kitchen is the same one from Parks and Recreation where Ben proposed to Leslie?

Brooke losing to Kristen was exactly why there's last chance kitchen. Kristen only ended up on LCK because Josie completely threw her under the bus and Kristen took the high road by not returning the favor. Exactly nobody was surprised when Kristen came back and won—she owned the entire season up to that point.

Fuck this game. I had Pats 0 Falcons 8 on my Super Bowl grid. When the Pats missed the PAT at the end of the 3rd quarter, I missed out on $150. When the Falcons couldn't hold the Pats on the tying drive, I missed out on $400. Also, I have a bunch of smug Pats fan friends who won't shut up.

Bourbon doesn't do it for me. It seems too watery and flavor-light for my taste. I'm a rye guy.

I went to a NY/NJ Hitmen game. (Ah, the 90s, when all non-NFL teams that played in Giants Stadium were called NY/NJ including the Metrostars and the Knights.) It was a night game in February and the thermostat read 6 degrees. I had to buy 2 cups of cocoa—one to drink, one to keep my knees warm. I did feel a second of

Am I the only one who noticed "Get Out" gets its title from an Eddie Murphy joke, or do I just need better friends?

The Quickfire was similar to an episode of Survivor from a few seasons back. The producers left them a crate and they had to figure out the challenge themselves. Both that and this worked in a fun-as-long-as-nobody-was-eliminated kind of way,

Mine is Dolls of Highland by Kyle Craft. Imagine someone who was inspired by Bowie and Dylan, but sounds like Zevon and sings like Meat Loaf. Incredible album overlooked by everyone.

The rules were set that even if a team won before the seventh dish, all dishes had to be tasted. If you were on the losing team, but won your head-to-head, you were safe. So if one team swept the first four dishes, you would still need to judge the other dishes to see who might automatically be safe on the other team.

I whisk the hell out of them before cooking. The added air keeps them fluffy.

Deathly Hallows 1 is further down on my list, but good god, the animated sequence is incredible. I could watch an entire movie of that shadow puppet style.

I try to let people just enjoy things, but this sport is pretty fucking stupid. I should know, I play ultimate frisbee.

As a huge fan of snow games, I see no issue with this.

I find this movie increasingly unwatchable every time I try to give it a go. With that said, the Knights' uniforms are awesomely terrible, and the fully painted field between both 45-yard lines is something real teams should consider.

The book version of The Exorcist had one of the most unnerving scenes for me. It's the spider-walk scene. In the extended cut of the film, she spider-walks down the stairs really fast for a cheap jump scare. In the book, she slowly follows around the housekeeper like that all day. Super creepy.