Erik D

He has the best backup band in history. Consider the number of genres they've covered with total mastery.

Agreed. The one that impresses me the most is Hardware Store. Weird Al claims it's his pure original, but I hear ELO in the chorus. Not the funniest of his songs, but musically, probably his best.

40 Year Old Virgin. Carell's expression is perfect.

Chew and Saga are two of the most batshit insane, yet heartbreaking comics I've ever read. Chew will be greatly missed.

Luau by Drive Like Jehu. The song takes 7 or so minutes of grinding muck building up to something, and when it gets there, holy shit.

Luau by Drive Like Jehu. The song takes 7 or so minutes of grinding muck building up to something, and when it gets there, holy shit.

My parents gave us a set of Cutco knives and a big check as a wedding gift, or as we called it, the weapon and motive.

The show is based on the book by TS Eliot. I'm not even joking.

Have you seen The Weather Man starring Michael Caine's American accent? The uncanny valley hits hard on that one.

How about 3:10 to Yuma? Crowe and Bale were great, but Ben Foster stole that movie.

Wow, you even bothered with the 4 cards? I didn't have the patience for that one.

I drive past the set every time I take my wife to work. I never heard of the show, so I assumed "Cloud Nine" was a film/TV production supply shop.

I never thought much of him, but the way he slowly turned his racist yokel caricature into something of a protagonist in The Hateful Eight was pretty damn impressive.

Vincent Schiavelli. Sure, most of his roles are bit parts, but they're always memorable. (The assassin in Tomorrow Never Dies being my favorite.)

Keith David was pretty great in The Cape. He seemed to be the only person who recognized what a terrible show it was and decided to have fun with it.

After, but I was late to the game.

I was hoping for something on Goon, aka The Movie That Somehow Made Us Like Sean William Scott again.

Hiro Protagonist from Snowcrash.

Agreed, probably because so many jokes were recycled. It was the new stuff that worked for me like the Nazi pigeons and the "INTERMISSION!" joke in "Betrayed".

I got to see the original cast on Broadway. Lane was predictably perfect for the role, but I hated Broderick's portrayal as Bloom.