Crow's New Hair

Too bad we won't be around to discuss it…

As I stand in the middle of nowhere in South Carolina watching a solar eclipse, I'm reminded of just how inconsequential this whole thing is. But at the same time it really pisses me off and I'm really mad about it.

Allow me to be the first to give you all, especially Ernie the Kinja Tech, a hearty "go fuck yourselves".

Total eclipse of the commentariat.

Never. It was just a placebo to satiate us in the short-term.

If they're supposed to switch over in 4 days, shouldn't they have already released the promised Disqus-to-Kinja username thingy? Or was that a vicious lie to make us be quiet?

Fuck them.

I spent the last two days driving up to Bumblefuck, South Carolina for the eclipse. There better not be any fucking clouds.

So is THIS the last Box Office Newswire before Kinja?

It's just up the road. The only difference is that Shitsville has a Pigly Wigly.

It would have been better username/comment synergy if you were using "Disgruntled Goat".

Mildly cloudy. I drove far enough inland that I'm getting about a 50/50 sky to cloud ratio. And even if they block the sun, they're still moving pretty quickly.

Greetings from Bumblefuck, South Carolina!
I've driven god-knows-how-long to roughly the middle of god-forsaken nowhere for the eclipse!

Steve Bannon's a C.H.U.D.?

He looks like a chainsaw sculpture.
—Joel Robinson, 424-Manos: The Hands of Fate

Isn't there a Mussolini statue in Chicago?

Well I be done seen 'bout ev'rythin', when I see a Confederate cry.

No, but he is made of muslin.

Just wait until they get Kinja and it becomes Gawker 2.0!

Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll write a supplemental piece.