

Nah! I'm bored… I have to go and make other trolls crazy tonight!! Have good one!

Nah! I'm bored… I have to go and make other trolls crazy tonight!! Have good one!

Goodbye everyone! You've entered the liberal Twilight zone. Where no man goes who doesn't agree with the liberal view. So argue amongst yourself. Please tell George S., I said hello!

I wouldn't know because that's a low level profession left to the underbelly of society. People who would sell their souls.

I'm done talking to you. You're a paid troll and you make money by replies so go try to con someone else. I gave you enough money for one night.

I speak the truth. You should try it sometime it's refreshing!

Yes, thanks Obama for raising my insurance premiums and along with that I have to pay higher deductibles and out of pockets! You've done great!

It's their incessant need to label people as irrelevant if they don't agree with the liberal brain washing of this country.

Listen call it like it is? The liberal media is trying shut down a person who is resisting going with the flow.

He's being attacked by the liberal media for saying what is on his mind that's how?

There's not any freedom of speech on a college campus.

My exclamation points are showing my happiness for the freedom of speech!

Why is that because the Right insist on Freedom of Speech?? Ring a bell Constitution??

Its not about spoofing and you know it?

You bet I'm serious! I'm tired of this PC crap.

Too bad!


What's the matter??! Trying shut me down because don't agree???

Yay Jerry!!!! Keep it up!!! You have the right to say how you feel!!!