
He also portrayed that villain in the flesh. He had a humanoid form and a monster form. Incidentally, said villain was deft with a sword.

In terms of the narrative, if not excise the prequels entirely, I would condense the important story points of the prequels into one film. There are edits to this effect out there. It would have forced Lucas to excise a lot of the gimmicks like the podrace and focus on the more important story moments. We don't need

Don Leifert, who passed a few years ago, was a beloved high school English teacher. He pretty much accepted he'd be remembered less for his work in theater (which is in the moment) and more for The Alien Factor. But he said in an interview for that documentary, if he could pick a Dohler film to be remembered for, it'd

It's not going to be grimdark. Power Rangers occupies the same echelon as, say, Pokemon or TMNT. Not GI Joe and Transformers.