Lemmy Caution

There are movies that are so bad they are good. There are movies that are so bad they are really bad. And then there is Contract to Kill — a movie so bad that it folds the universe back onto itself so that the movie becomes a great example of a bad movie done so well — which is to mean so poorly — that it transcends

The moment that encapsulated how utterly forced the whole Negan mystique thing is actually came in the promo for next week. In it, we see Negan saunter up to the Alexandria gates, whistling his supposedly fear-inducing tune, and we see his shadow as he taps on the gate with Lucille. Why doesn't someone just walk up

Those kids make me smile.

Walking Dead is kinda devolving into Road Runner vs. Coyote territory. Confronted by a pack of heavily armed bikers? Why, just let Darryl pull out his ACME RPG and he'll blow away the bad guys. Meeep meeeep!

Penn — truly a legend in his own mind.

Gotta say Murray's special was terrible. By weird, be edgy, be different, but for God's sake, be good. This wasn't. When the peak moment of a Christmas Special is Miley Cyrus singing Silent Night, you know you've Scrooged the pooch big time. I tried to hang in there, I really, really did.

Yeah, the Glenn storyline has sputtered and stalled to the point where I'm like, yeah, Glenn, whatever. Your pregnant wife is in there and yet you're still hanging around outside the wall looking like some dumbfuck outside a concert hall trying to buy a ticket from a scalper. I mean, create a diversion! Make some

A little pick me up is probably just what little Sammy needs … say a nice tall Long Island Ice Tea or something along those lines.

Arrrrggghhh! At this rate we'll have to rename the show The Walking Bores.

I'm glad Glenn is alive, and yet I can't help but agree that keeping us hanging for weeks was a cheap stunt. After all this waiting, we find out that all Glenn had was just another run-of-the-mill close call. Hell, I'd say Rick's inexplicably easy escape from the five armed Wolves who jumped him in the RV was far, far

He knows the height … the word is knows … right?

My favorite part was the exposition cooler. I love it when the show uses stickers to explain unclear plot points. I just wish they would've used one on the dumpster in the Thank You episode. You know, something like, "Caution - gap under dumpster large enough to fit slim Asian man."

TWD seems to be squandering its perfect premise: what happens after the end of the zombie movie.
It’s got the cast (for the most part), the scenery and settings, the cinematography, the make up and the special effects. But the story! It’s falling apart faster than a year-old zombie thrashing around in a barbed wire

Carrey's Fire Marshall Bill was terrifyingly funny!

Agreed 100%. Might as well sing, "Tongue my cornhole," or something equally as artless and degrading.

Thank you for, "A Talking Head onsie with extra big shoulder pads." That made my day.

Carrie Brownstein is a very special person.

I actually got so bored half way through the review that I quit reading. This movie sounds like it has no reason to exist.

Just happened to rewatch this the other day and it was even better than I remembered - a nice, sweet, funny movie … and Stewart is achingly beautiful in it.

Is this the most self-absorbed celebrity currently in existence?