
So, it took the Lannister army as much time to lay waste to Highgarden as it did for Grey Worm and Missandei to get it on. Shorter, even.

No-one at the Night's Watch thought it was a good idea to send a raven to Winterfell about Bran crossing the Wall?

When Cersei indicated that Qyburn had something up his sleeve to defeat the dragons, I really thought it would be something truly dark considering his exploits with wildfire and the mountain. That it was just a big fucking crossbow was truly underwhelming.

Agreed. Some of Kit Harrington's dialogue and delivery in the Winterfell hall was woeful.

How do these episodes continue to get rated so highly by the community? Personally, considering that the series barely has 10 episodes to tie up all its loose ends, I felt it was another wasted and disappointing episode, setting the scene and focusing on characters tangential to the overall story arc. No doubt, the

In the first season, it was a large party making the trip north on carriages - naturally, not only is that a lot slower, they would have had to stop periodically and feed everyone and the horses, making the trip a lot longer. I imagine a single person on horseback could make the trip much faster. Didn't Jon in this

On a similar note, Dev Shah isn't a Tamil name either.

Started watching Season 2 today and it's been great so far. One thing irks me though - why do Aziz and his father have traditionally non-Muslim names in the show (Dev and Ramesh), even when they are still being portrayed as Muslim?

Leslie Knope was great, but everybody knows Ron Swanson was the real star of Parks and Rec.

Pretty sure the Batman references were a homage to the series Holmes did with Collegehumor.

Jerry Seinfeld is a comedy superstar within the Seinfeld universe too. Maybe this show exists in that universe.

Massive fan of anything with Aparna Nancherla in it. Just saw her on the new season of Love too. Looks like she's becoming an Apatow favorite.

Not the only thing Disney's been known to hide in its movies..

So.. can I start shipping Jaime/Brienne again or is she Tormund's property now?

Nah, I doubt she's coming back.

Surely leaving Tyrion, Jorah, Daario and Missandei in the midst of Harpy hordes condemns them to certain deaths?!

I thought so too but I guess they're all right with killing anyone who pledged their allegiance to Dany, ex-master or slave.

These ads are usually promoted, so end up on your feed anyway. Obviously, nobody sane would follow Chili's on Twitter.

Messed up a chance for a great Monty Python reference there.

'Overrated' & 'Worst' and 'Underrated' & 'Best' aren't exactly synonyms, you know?