Anna H. (Anima Mundi)

I am not sure if I've ever seen a kind of "stock," second-tier character like Dan-first-season be turned around, fleshed out, and made really interesting and nuanced like Dan has this season. The writers didn't have to do that and most probably wouldn't. Really good work.

No, it makes sense that the Divine Light that was the Goddess, contained within Charlotte Richards' flesh, would be able to resurrect and heal Charlotte's body — when it no longer had to be contained and suppressed.

I love the show and I forgive it the inconsistencies. But as someone whose personal theology is Divine Feminine-centric, there were definitely some cringe-worthy moments in this season.

I got the impression that she didn't like humans because the God-husband was so taken with them; I sensed jealousy. As the Primal Divine Creatrix of Her own universe, I bet she would feel a lot different. In fact, the aspect of creating new life in her own universe seemed to please her.

My husband and I have loved it from episode 1. Love the repartee and the naughtiness.

What? Really. LOLZ, no wonder I've been singing "Cheese and Onions" for 40 years.

Are you serious? Are you really that nitpicky about a relatively short **fantasy novel** that was written in, like, 1961 or something, not having all the amazing great science?

Um … that's why she was writing FANTASY. Yanno? Like, using real stuff in a FANTASTICAL way? She wasn't writing a science textbook. Geez.