Rico Suave

Did I see something different than everybody else just before the credits? Because I thought I saw Jaime sinking to the bottom of a body of water wearing heavy metal armor. How is he not drowned?

I know it's probably autocorrect, but I'm referring to Sansa as "Salsa" from here on out.

And "Borgen"

Why would the disco sci-fi epic have a song without a disco beat?
The cake: Everybody wants a piece of Mylene.
Ra-Ra's comic relief when he's trying to talk to his new girlfriend on the phone, and she's BRUTAL: "Proceed;" "Sing to me"

I was expecting to not see legs under Janine's blanket in the hospital.

Cooking brandy? That looked like a bottle of Jamesons to me!

What's the timeline between the coup and the "present day?" Luke would've had to divorce his wife (which makes him a little less sympathetic to me), marry June, get her pregnant, then Hannah bets to about seven (?) years old at the start of the series.

Instead of doing three consecutive hour-long airings, we could've been watching all spring!

The webisodes should be "Rosa doing razzmatazz while wearing glasses."

They're going to put Jake and Rosa in a co-ed prison?

Jump down my throat, why don't you? I don't follow "Entertainment Tonight" or "TMZ," so I don't know the personal health details of prime-time actors. At least you didn't call me a "body-shamer," so I'll give you that.

Are you talking about Manny or Haley?

Is the California drinking age not 21? How did Manny get into enough bars to get hung over? I know that minors can go to bars with their parents in Wisconsin (because Wisconsin), but they don't get legally served. It seems that Manny getting drunk should've been a bigger deal than Manny going to the strip club.

Lily has a "flat affect." Is it the character, or the actor who isn't showing emotion?

Scenes where Rosa eschews her jacket are what get me out of bed in the morning

Rosa always struck me as someone who doesn't get hung over, ala Ron Swanson

The show with The Log Lady and a one-eyed woman who thinks she's a teenager and has superhuman strength won't bring back some characters because "it won't make sense?"

So is Alex in college, or not? Cal Tech or Receda Community College? Do they have community college dorms like in "Undeclared," or does she live in the back of the latteria? Or does "Modern Family" still have alternating showrunners, and that's why nothing makes sense?

I hope Uncle Cliff doesn't show up at UCLA (er, CULA) to buy a round of drinks for Zoey's friends
