David Frederick

Actually, I stopped watching Survivor when it came out that the show was NOT playing fair (i.e., Burnett influencing the votes of the contestants to make sure the more interesting people don't get eliminating).
I believe the voting on Top Chef IS fair, it's the editing that doesn't always play fair—makes us believe

This is not the first time—not the tenth time, not the 50th time—the editing made Colicchio look unfair. I truly believe he picks the person who made actually cooked the winning dish or dishes. But the editors go for drama rather than truth. That's reality TV folks. I try to look past the attempts at pumping up the

There NO WAY the rest of us will be that lucky. I give him two weeks.

I love Hodgman but stopped listening to JJH over a year ago due to the insufferable guests. Sounds like they're getting even worse. John and Jesse should ditch this theme and find a new one.