
Then to get you up to speed, he's the 2017 version of Marc Cohn.

He makes my ears hurt whenever his songs poke my eardrum.

This woman wouldn't be in jail if she was blasting "No Scrubs", but she didn't get the message because her music was too loud.

So…they just put it in a bigger bowl of shame?

"Shut up Gene Simmons, no one wants to hear what you think about rap or anything else for that matter!"

Remember those attractive pop singers from whatever bygone era your youth took place in?

The unfortunate people at the retirement home, not so much.

Of course it is - I saw some guy with bad hair eating a well done steak with ketchup there once.

She was arrested by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for driving a car similar to a robbery suspect.

She probably thinks it's really, really important that he is not a homosexual.

Trump is quite sure he was right about wiretapping; I'm quite sure I'm right about him being completely unqualified to be president.

I don't hear the similarities between the two songs, but listening to both confirms I like "No Scrubs" a lot more.

The powers-that-be

Or peer pressure from his homies Ben and Jerry.

Something something it can be two things.

I'd be happy if the Ghostbuster logo still welcomes us back to the Real Ghostbusters cartoon after the commericals.

"NO!! They're splinters EVERYWHERE!"
Rocket Raccoon

Sorry, I meant Andy from "Parks and Recreation".

They're too busy steaming their vaginas and babbling about how exciting Trump's victory is.

"But he fit the description - black male, wearing clothes!"
Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department