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    HAHAHAHA, nevermind, Amy Schumer is funny!

    That episode did everything it could to ruin what I've seen and liked from the show in the past, and no longer make me excited to see more.

    Did I just read "emotional labor that women throughout history often do without credit". No, you don't get remembered throughout history for being a pick-me-up.

    He confronted one of the witnesses, got him to confess to who his dangerous accomplice was, and tracked down that guy. Not too bad I'd say.

    That scene was OBVIOUSLY sexual. Look at the camera angle as Freddie tells him to touch the meat (also, the touching of the meat is really on the nose). It shows the back of a seated Naz's head, with Freddie standing in front of him… hmm… almost like Naz is giving Freddie oral sex, while Naz is touching his meat.

    I might miss this show, the post-Game of Thrones dessert, even more than Thrones.

    The CleganeBowl would be a travesty. Yea, the zombie version of a legendary fighter, who can tear off peoples' heads, gets killed by… one smaller, weaker, non-zombified guy. Nothing less than an entire troupe of men should be able to take him down (or, maybe Wun Wun, but even then my money would be on the Mountain)

    TWD isn't an optimistic show. It's a show in which every character knows there is no possible 'good' ending, that they are simply surviving one day at a time, trying to delay the inevitable face-munching, where each time they get somewhere it goes to shit and they meet a new type of villainy.

    You see a prisoner doing what she must do in order to avoid further imprisonment and punishment as hasty? It only took a slight nudge to push Tommen over the top, and now she assures she remains queen.

    Better CEO joke?

    If I intend to make something bad, and succeed, you're saying I have made something good? By making something bad, I have made something good? I've simply made a relatively superior version of something bad.

    As soon as I saw House, I immediately knew this episode was the one that'd be discussed. Eminently watchable and affecting episode.

    The entire "Two Brothers" trailer was outstanding, but at the very end when he starts laughing… I lost it.

    Archer quotes work with everything.