
I agree. I recently rewatched the whole series, and the quality of the writing really took a dive in season 4. It's like night and day between this season and seasons 1-2. Such a shame. They've built such an amazing world, inhabited by such rich characters, and now they're squandering it with this lazy plot-based

I just feel bereft of a worthy last scene to the season. Having it end on that note, not featuring a character we care about in a moment of importance, is just anticlimactic.

Hirst should've just switched the actors of Hvitserk and Sigurd and have Hvitserk be the one who died in this episode. That way the show could've stayed more true to history. Hvitserk was the least famous and I don't think any of us are grieving the death of Sigurd's character here. Then Hvitserk would be the least

Do not soil this usually very compelling comment section with childish personal insults. It's quite unbefitting. You have 4chan or kindergarten for that.

How/where did you find that out? And how can they know? I would be very interested in finding out my own.