Nathan Snyder

I don't like his movies, but this is a major tragedy to the guy. I offer him and his family my condolences

Hamani, the reason Ali wants you to go away is because you are annoying, trolling and attacking anyone who doesn't like the movies and won't accept the flaws or criticisms the film has.

She was in the same situation because she took his data? Again contrivance. I could have learned her story, but sadly its not present in this story nor is she written as a character. She's just there just to have the plot roll along instead of having her grow or develop. And don't use that stupid excuse that she has a

"Hi, I'm Batman. I'm gonna track this gorgeous woman for no reason at all." Yes, he's a detective and tries to find Lex's files, but why this random woman? It feels like a contrivance for the sack of the plot. He didn't figure out she was immortal until he hacked the files. To be quite honest, I wouldn't care to learn

Why is Bruce so concerned for this random, mysterious woman for no reason? Is it because she's beautiful? Yet how did he figure out her email so quickly? Actually for that matter, why does she want a photograph of her from WWI? Is she still sad about Steve Trevor might be dead at this current point? In fact, if she's

Amen, Ali.

But why does he seem so fixated on her before that? Because she's hot?

I have seen it. Saying I didn't is an incredible lie. I am not overly sensitive. The film treats its audience not respectfully and just tries to think its smart when at its core, its more shallow. I didn't go in with preconceived notions. I went into the film wanting to accept with open arms. I don't go into every

That's opinion, not fact. Again you contradict yourself in not understanding the difference.

My opinion isn't fact and neither is yours.

Saying your opinion is fact is a gigantic flaw. Opinions are subjective, not objective. Not everything you see is fact nor the truth.

Not really. The amount of percentage is bigger than 11%.

I have seen it. I am not overly sensitive. I did find the film insulting nor did it feel like it treated the audience like a reasonable person.

I have read the comics. Both are awful movies, but for God sakes, at least Fant4stic is more forgettable in how awful it is. BvS is more insulting, boring and frustrating.

Fant4stic is still godawful as BvS. I have to question your tastes if you think the DCEU represents the comics spiritually or aesthetically because it makes me feel like you have never read them if you do think this.

1. That's not what I meant. Superman from the comics is not a cardboard gary stu. That would be Cavill's version except at least some Gary Stus have depth.

I talk to more people way higher than 11% and in real life and the internet. I've found more negative than positive.

Okay, now this sounds like a heavily biased article. Its just a poster. Who cares if its ripped off from Space Cop and X-Men: Apocalypse? And why would the guy tell people to be prepared for disappoint with JL? I know this is weird to say since despite 3 films, I think the DCEU is really terrible at this point and

Why do we need an article talking about a poster that's completely ripped off of Space Cop and X-Men: Apocalypse?

Why does the poster look like X-Men: Apocalypse and RLM's Space Cop posters?