
Maybe, I could see them doing these episodes just to get them out of the way for the game changing part of the season. But it isn't exactly developing in a good way, to lead up that moment. And i'm not sure the threat or how good the resolution martin would hold on the main characters. I miss the lich honestly. When

What no it is not. This episode and season don't deserve a D. It's just perhaps that they don't deserve a B+ or A-. I would have given these past few episodes a B- and maybe a C+. They are entertaining, but not its best at all. I guess it has to do with all these side character episodes that are taking up most of the

I don't know. The episode was ok for me. It makes you question how life doesn't always turn out so well. An ambiguous dark peppermint person bested someone who just wanted to get rid of evil in his land. It's realistic because good doesn't always win, even though we would want it to, and eventually peppermint will