Parker Davis

So we changed our legal system. Good to know. So whenever any man is accused of sexual harassment we will all immediately treat him as guilty and the person accusing as a victim. Makes things much easier not having to wait for evidence or trials. We should streamline all accusations to free up our legal system.

*when I say "actual" fans that wasn't implying you're not - I was referring to the CBS execs like this guy. His comments both here and in other interviews show a real lack of understanding the vision of Trek.
I apologize if you took that to mean you.

In the very few cases where you can find comprehensive production costs there's no evidence space based sci-fi is any more or less costly than any other shows. This is a myth left over from the 80's when CGI was prohibitive and limited to few companies. It hasn't been true for more than fifteen years but people

"Admits"?! Are you seriously buying that embarrassingly lame crap?
There are so many successful sci-fi shows on broadcast TV right now I can't keep up with all of them.
And since so many of you writers seem to have a short memory EVERY Star Trek series that's ever aired was on broadcast TV.
CBS is asking Americans